Monday, January 19, 2009

The Quest

He walks and he walks…
Looking into people’s eyes,
Searching their souls, not knowing for what
And it refuses to go, The hollow
which he seeks to fill.

He walks and he walks…
Into the clouds, in no man’s land,
He is alone, he is not lonely,
For he has found the path
In his quest for destiny.

He smiles when he sleeps,
His fists unclenched, his sword
Sheathed. the rays of the moon
Keeps him warm and the stone his pillow,
And he dreams his dream, of immortality.

Bathed in the sunlight, he knows
That the time has come. He has to go,
To fulfill his destiny. The sword bared,
The shield thrown behind, he plunges
Headlong into the sea of pricks.


Niharika said...

reminds me of Eragon...dunno why...

Sam said...

"He walks and he walks…
Looking into people’s eyes,
Searching their souls, not knowing for what
And it refuses to go, The hollow
which he seeks to fill."

A constant quest...

Well expressed.
Reflects my own thoughts.